(2012/90 mins)
Tuesday, 6th – 7.45 pm
In association with the Consulate General & Promotion Centre of the Argentine Republic, Mumbai.
Are words, photographs and speeches sufficient means for describing and communicating a complex, harsh, unmanageable reality? These unsolved questions pursue Cassandra during her trip through the impenetrable Chaco as chronicler of a means of communication, her first job after graduating from literature school. The unknown reality of the native people, their beautiful and incomprehensive languages and the dilemmas facing an economy that excludes them, are part of a trip in which Cassandra finds an inhabitable world within her status as a foreigner. Her visions start merging with the cosmovision of ancient inhabitants until she becomes part of the enigma herself.
Directed by Inés de Oliveira Cézar
Cast: Edgardo Cozarinsky, Agustina Muñoz & Alan Pauls