English Play
Ishara presents a dazzling puppet rendition of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale. The story follows a duckling ostracized for being different. Despite efforts to fit in, he faces rejection based on color, society, and more. As he grows into a beautiful bird, he learns the value of inner beauty. Each puppet, crafted from Indian textiles, embodies this message. Don’t judge a book by its cover; Ishara’s show teaches the importance of true worth.
In Ishara’s magical show, each puppet / animal is made from regional textiles of India. Audiences discover the true meaning of inner beauty, in this engaging and one-of-a-kind show. Remember never to judge a book by its cover.
Directed by Dadi Pudumjee
Script by Shankjeet Dey
Music by Deepak Castelino
Puppeteers/Actors: Muskan Arora, T Joshua Chin, Umang Gupta, Kumari Yadav, Vivek Kumar
Adapted by ‘The Ugly Duckling’ by Hans Christian Andersen
Box Office now open.