Hindi Play
This is the story of a family where the father thinks his progeny are standing on the threshold of total ruination. They are wallowing in self-indulgence and their destiny is leading them to an inevitable fall. On the other hand, the children think this is part of the travails of a generation gap and the old man is unable to understand the situation. Is the family not getting along because of a generation gap or a case of miscommunication? And if it is the former then who will bridge the gap?
Written by Vasant Kanitkar
Directed by Om Katare
Cast: Om Katare, Mukesh Yadav, Sahil Ravi, Jaya Ojha, Mukund Bhatt, Ashok Sharma, Vidyagouri Honavar, Prashant Upadhyay, Aditi, Sailee Gaikwad, Harshal Singh & Aditya Choudhary
Produced by Yatri Theatre Association
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