Opera Screening
Don Carlo and French princess Elisabeth de Valois are betrothed; however, for reasons of state, the princess is obliged to marry Carlo’s father, King Philip II of Spain. Carlo confides his love to Rodrigo, Marquis of Posa, who advises him to forget Elisabeth and ask for the governorship of Flanders, where he may ameliorate the hardships of Spain’s reign. Princess Eboli, Elisabeth’s lady-in-waiting, whose passionate love for Carlo is unreturned, informs the King of Carlo’s love for Elisabeth. Philip orders his rebellious son thrown into prison and questions the Grand Inquisitor on the propriety of asking for a death sentence. Thoroughly embittered, the King rails at Elisabeth for her supposed unfaithfulness. Eboli repents her rash confession and determines to rescue Carlo from prison. She accomplishes this mission in the confusion that ensues after the treacherous shooting of Rodrigo, who has been marked for death as he visits his friend. Carlo and Elisabeth meet in the monastery cloister, where a monk at the tomb of Charles V steps forward to rescue Carlo from the pursuing King and Inquisitor.
An NCPA – The Metropolitan Opera (New York) Presentation
Sung in French with English Subtitles
Music: Giuseppe Verdi
Conductor: Patrick Furrer
Production: David McVicar
Cast: Sonya Yoncheva, Jamie Barton, Matthew Polenzani, Etienne Dupuis, Eric Owens & John Relyea
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