A workshop about creating and enhancing performances.
In this workshop the students will be introduced to tools and strategies that will help them interpret a script or even develop a performance from merely an idea. In addition to this they will be guided into experimenting with interesting dramatic devices that can enhance a performance. The focus of the workshop is for students to be equipped with skills and strategies that they can use for future performances or auditions.
Come with writing material of your choice. No phones as writing devices please.
Bring in 3-4 objects of any kind. The objects should lend itself to being easily manipulated by hand. They must be unbreakable and something that you would feel safe sharing with others.
Do write your thoughts about what your creative challenges might be with respect to creating a performance.
Optional: Bring a script, monologue or idea that you would like to work on. This can be of any genre or language. Avoid using scripts from movies.
Note: Due to limited time, we may not be able to work with all scripts presented. As mentioned, the workshop focuses on sharing ideas that you can use in the long term for future performances.
Shaun Williams
Shaun Williams draws from his rich 20-year experience in the industry having trained under senior drama professionals such as Prabhat Bhaskaran, Sankar Venkateswaran, and Heisnam Tomba. He has acted with various theatre companies like QTP and Akvarious Productions and has also undergone rigorous training as a teacher under Theatre Professionals Pvt. Ltd. Shaun has a versatile experience because of his exposure to diverse traditions. Whether it is Improv Comedy or Kalaripayattu, Butoh or Clowning, ensemble theatre or physical theatre, they have all shaped his knowledge and expertise in acting as well as teaching.
Please note prior registration is compulsory for this workshop.
Register Now.