Language: Hindi
In the picturesque landscape of Kashmir, amidst pine forests and apple orchards, lies the poignant tale of Farida and Haider. Farida, abandoned by her husband Sadiq for a life in Dubai, finds solace and companionship in her brother-in-law Mahmdu, while they work together in the orchards. Haider, a wounded soldier, becomes enchanted by Farida’s resilience and gradually falls for her. As their bond deepens, Mahmdu, empathetic towards Farida’s plight…..
Production: Ekjute Theatre Group
Writer: Nadira Zaheer Babbar
Directed by: Nadira Zaheer Babbar
Cast: Aroosa Khan, Manav Pande, Yudhvir Dahiya / Aashay Mishra, Debasree Ghosh & Hanif Patni
Produced by: Nadira Zaheer Babbar
Box Office now open.