The Film based on Budhia Singh’s life, a child prodigy who ran a host of marathons as a five-year-old and got ready acclaim. Under the supervision of his coach Biranchi Das, he ran a 70km marathon from Bhubaneswar to Puri in his native Odisha to break records.
Budhia Singh is a young boy who is ready to run because that can fetch him a bicycle. Biranchi Das is a coach who is obsessed enough with this boy wonder to give up his family and career to train him. Together, the duo will make history till politics rips their lives apart.
Written & Directed by Soumendra Padhi
Produced by Viacom18 Motion Pictures & Code Red Films
Cast: Manoj Bajpayee, Mayur Patole, Tillotama Shome , Shruti Marathe & Chhaya Kadam