tT A A A
  • Venue
    Godrej Dance Theatre
  • Date Time
    9 March 2025 | 5:00 pm
  • Age Limit
  • Member Price
  • Non Member Price

Event Details

An NCPA Presentation in collaboration with Essay Ensemble

Supported by Bajaj Beyond

Gudamba is a heart-warming monologue that revolves around an ambitious young girl Amina (Lubna Salim) who gets married and thinks that her man of dreams is God’s answer to her prayers. Living as a Bahu in an old sprawling joint family house with its complicated domestic politics, Amina saunters her way through with comic effervescence and self-deprecating humour. Gudamba in a humorous manner presents a compelling study of changing times and generational conflicts, where older values and traditions meet with modern thoughts and lifestyles.

Performed by Lubna Salim
Written by Javed Siddiqui
Lights by Salim Arif
Stage Manager Faraaz Salim
Designed and directed by Salim Arif


Box Office: 26th January for Members & 29th January for Public.


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The NCPA is committed to preserving and promoting India's rich and vibrant artistic heritage in the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, literature and photography, as well as presenting new and innovative work by Indian and international artists from a diverse range of genres including drama, contemporary dance, orchestral concerts, opera, jazz and chamber music.