tT A A A
  • Venue
    Godrej Dance Theatre
  • Date Time
    8 February 2025 | 7:00 pm
  • Age Limit
  • Member Price
    Rs.540/- (Inclusive of GST)
  • Non Member Price
    Rs.600/- (Inclusive of GST)

Event Details

Hindi Play

Sarita Champaklal Desai is loath to admit that she is now a senior citizen. But age is catching up with her and she is at a sanatorium while recovering from an illness. According to Dr. Harpreet Singh, the senior experienced medical chief of the sanatorium, there is hardly anything wrong with her physically, but her unpredictable ways, funny ideas and impulsive actions have completely upturned his familiar orderly worldview. Sarita’s instincts refuse to conform to the rules of the sanatorium leading to explosive confrontations with the ever-responsible Dr. Singh.

But Sarita’s enthusiasm for life, though a little skewed, is also infectious and the lonely doctor finds himself being drawn out. Eventually, their irritation with each other evolves into concern and understanding and perhaps the beginning of a delicate new relationship.

Production: ANK Mumbai
Writer:  Dinesh Thakur
Directed by: Priita Mathur Thakur
Cast: Priita Mathur Thakur & Aman Gupta
Produced by: ANK Theatre Group, Mumbai


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The NCPA is committed to preserving and promoting India's rich and vibrant artistic heritage in the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, literature and photography, as well as presenting new and innovative work by Indian and international artists from a diverse range of genres including drama, contemporary dance, orchestral concerts, opera, jazz and chamber music.