Hindi Play
The promise of a sweet future together, walking hand in hand into the sunset forever. This is what romantic dreams are made of. The husband-to-be, to impress his sweetheart, will go out of his way to do everything she demands. The list is endless, from buying chocolates, flowers, movie and dinner dates to extravagant shopping. But what happens after marriage? The same sweetheart becomes a nag. The man, knowing well that the end has been achieved, becomes lax and takes his wife for granted. Watch the dynamics of this post-marriage situation in Jeene Bhi Do Yaaro.
Written & directed by Om Katare
Cast: Om Katare, Prashant Upadhyay, Sailee Gaikwad, Akanksha Gupta & Anup Balyan
Produced by Yatri Theatre Association
Box Office: 26th September for Members & 29th September for Public.