Written by Vijay Tendulkar, Massage peeps into the underbelly of today’s society through the escapades of Happy Kumar, who comes to join the film industry to become an actor but becomes the fourth assistant director of a film-maker called Kolhi who specialises in the snake and sex genre of cinema. With his sensitivity gone for a toss, he finally lands in a ladies gym as an instructor, where Happy becomes a famous masseur. Rakesh Bedi plays 24 different characters deftly in his inimitable comic style in a span of two hours.
Written by Vijay Tendulkar
Adapted in Hindi by Rakesh Bedi
Directed & Performed by Rakesh Bedi
Rs.450, 360 & 270/- (Members)
Rs.500, 400 & 300/- (Public)
Box Office: 26th March for Members & 29th March for Public