A free online workshop on Zoom by Mr. Nayan Kale
Supported by HSBC, India
Auditorium is essentially an indoor enclosed space, in which events are presented by performers and experienced by the audiences. This workshop aims to understand various aspects of auditorium, especially from the viewpoint of a performance of music. The speaker will deliberate upon the following points: auditorium formats, seating capacity, sight lines, room acoustics, sound amplification, lighting, backstage facility etc., that could have a bearing on the overall quality of a music event. Efforts will be made to discuss these criteria in relation to some major auditoria around the world including the auditoria of NCPA, Mumbai, and other top-quality iconic spaces.
Register Now: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MU0uyWF-Sn6o9N9m0LoUiQ