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  • Date Time
    4 December 2018 -


English Film (40 mins)

In collaboration with the Cinema Collective

What does it take to build a world-class French restaurant? What if the staff is almost entirely men and women just out of prison? What if most have never cooked or served before, and have barely two months to learn their trade? Knife Skills follows the hectic launch of Edwin’s restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio. In this improbable setting, with its mouth-watering dishes and its arcane French vocabulary, we discover the challenges of men and women finding their way after their release. They all have something to prove, and all struggle to launch new lives — an endeavour as pressured and perilous as the ambitious restaurant launch of which they are a part.

Directed by Academy Award-winning director Thomas Lennon (The Blood of Yingzhou District)


Admission on a first-come-first-served basis. NCPA members will get preferential seating till 6.20 pm.

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