An NCPA Off-Stage Presentation in collaboration with Tafreehwale
Supported by Bajaj Beyond
Are you ready for the climate crisis?
What will you do when the rising seas destroy your home?
Climate scientists predict that much of Mumbai city will be underwater by 2050. This shocking prediction must be front-page news, discussed daily in prime-time news, with every politician talking about it, right? Alas… it was quite the opposite.
Tired of waiting for political change, this performer decides to make her own backup plans to survive the climate crisis. She cannot sit idly by as the sea takes over her city; she needs to be prepared! In a unique interactive performance, Meghana AT enlists the help of her audience to ensure that by the time the apocalypse comes, her plans are water-tight.
Written and performed by Meghana AT
Dramaturgy by Tanvi Shah
Box office now open.