tT A A A
  • Venue
    Tata Theatre
  • Date Time
    15 July 2023 | 9:00 am-11:00 am
  • Age Limit
    6 years to 15 year
  • Duration
    2 Hour

Workshop Details

Counducted by: Dr. Parvish Pandya

In the event that it rains, a small group of children, with permission of their guardians, can celebrate the rain in NCPA’s OAP – Children should be asked to bring a change of clothes.

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The NCPA is committed to preserving and promoting India's rich and vibrant artistic heritage in the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, literature and photography, as well as presenting new and innovative work by Indian and international artists from a diverse range of genres including drama, contemporary dance, orchestral concerts, opera, jazz and chamber music.