Documentary Film Screening
An NCPA Presentation in collaboration with Cinema Collective
The NCPA has revived the Reality Check film series, which was started in 2014, to promote and encourage documentary filmmakers in India, whose work reflects life and culture in the country today in a provocative blend of creativity and integrity.
The Invisible Visible
English/Hindi Film with English Subtitles
India has the largest number of homeless people. It has over 70 million destitute citizens who have been denied their Constitutional right to shelter. The draconian Bombay Beggary Prevention Act 1959 has further criminalised them and made them vulnerable to incarceration, torture and dehumanisation. The film delineates how the marginalised and the disenfranchised have been left out in the cold and in some cases, exploited in shelters on the watch of the state, as happened during the infamous Muzaffarpur case, where 44 girls between 6 and 15 were raped, tortured and killed.
Directed by Kireet Khurana
The film screening will be followed by a discussion.
Admission on a first-come-first-served basis. NCPA Members will get preferential seating till 6:20 pm.