Silly Point Productions
West Room 1,Jamshed Bhabha Theatre,NCPA
7th to 27th May 2018 (except Sat 12th ,Sun 13th, Sat 19th & Sun 20th )
10:30 am to 3:30pm
The students will be involved in a 3 week intensive daily workshop which will culminate into a performance for the parents and friends.This workshop is for children aged 12 to 18 and is a limited number of a maximum of 25 students only to ensure quality and efficiency in the workshop.They will learn everything from Script to Stage. Lights, Sound, Music, Production, Acting, Speech, Costumes, Sets, Props, and even how to manage a fictional budget for a play with a marketing and publicity campaign prepared by the students.
Number of Participants:25
For workshop registration, please contact T- 66223822, 66223830 | M-9137076369
(Mon to Fri between 10.00 am to 6.00 pm)
Online Registration:
Age Group – 12 to 18