Little Theatre
Friday, 24th February- 6.30 pm
An NCPA Presentation in collaboration with White Wall Screenings
Hindi film with English subtitles (13 mins)
Home is a film about Fulmani, a resident tea plantation worker and her impending retirement. In order to keep her home after she retires, Fulmani must send her daughter Aarti to take her place at the plantation. But this decision comes at the cost of her daughter’s future, which she had hoped to protect from an exploitative and back breaking labour system.
Directed by: Aditi Sharma
Home 2
Hindi film with English Subtitles (12 minutes)
One afternoon, 7 year old Inaya suddenly is unable to recognise her own parents, and starts feeling like a captive in her own home. Her parents call the therapist to uncover the mystery of what happened to their child
Directed by: Ria Nalavade
Hindi film with English subtitles (13 mins)
In the upside-down realm of the night, an orphan daughter in law and her mother in law, develop an uncanny bond. Secrets are spilled, recipes shared, and late night thoughts exchanged that will set them free…literally.
Directed by: Sameeha Sabnis
Admission on a first-come-first-served basis. NCPA Members will get preferential seating till 6.20 pm.