tT A A A
  • Venue
    Experimental Theatre
  • Date Time
    27 August 2023 | 4:00 pm
  • Age Limit
  • Member Price
    Rs 450/-
  • Non Member Price
    Rs 500/-
  • Duration
    100 mins

Event Details

Hindi Play

An NCPA Presentation in collaboration with 72° East Productions

A survival drama about three Indian soldiers stuck on the Siachen Glacier, the highest, coldest battlefield on earth. After a catastrophic blizzard that washed away everything in sight, they are left with no news from the base. The days that follow test their beliefs and their bonds as they wait in hope for evacuation. Will they survive, and remain sane, before salvation comes or will ‘General Glacier’ have the final say?

Director: Makarand Deshpande
Writer: Aditya Rawal
Hindi Translation by Raaghav Dutt
Cast: Zahan Kapoor, Chittransh, Niketan Sharma, Rohit Mehra, Jatin Sarin & Seerat Mast
Set Design: Shaira Kapoor
Music: Ajay Jayanthi
Sound: Vaibhav Jadhav


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The NCPA is committed to preserving and promoting India's rich and vibrant artistic heritage in the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, literature and photography, as well as presenting new and innovative work by Indian and international artists from a diverse range of genres including drama, contemporary dance, orchestral concerts, opera, jazz and chamber music.