“When I was a boy, I was afraid of the dark… What was there.
And maybe one of the things I thought was there was vampires.”
When a jaded and cynical Dublin Drama critic comes under the spell of a beautiful young actress and pursues her into a coven of vampires in modern-day London, storytelling at its spooky best comes to vivid life. Is it all a drunken lie? A tantalizing fairy tale? Or is it his own version of a higher truth?
Written by Conor McPherson, this play was first performed at the Bush Theatre in 1997. the NCPA’s version will be directed by Bruce Guthrie, starring Zafar Karachiwala.
`McPherson combines old-fashioned yarn-spinning skills with a canny grasp of the frayed contemporary psyche.` – New York Times
Box Office now open.