Little Theatre
Tuesday, 1st August – 6.00 pm
An NCPA Presentation
Mahler: Symphony No. 1 (Titan)
“Western classical music is heavy.”
“The music of Beethoven and Mozart is difficult to understand.”
There are several misconceptions about this rich tradition of music. But from the chords of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata which inspired the hit Beatles’ track ‘Because’ to countless films where snippets of classical compositions have heightened the joy, drama or pathos, we are surrounded by classical music. In a new series of talks, Dr. Cavas Bilimoria will take participants through musical concepts, the lives of composers and their famous works, sprinkled with examples of recorded music.
His first set of talks in August will feature Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No.1, also called the Titan. It is a symphonic poem inspired by Jean Paul’s novel of the same name, where the protagonist strives to lead a life with nobility, passion and heroism—ideals Mahler greatly identified with. He conducted more performances of this symphony than of any of his other works.
Happy listening!
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