tT A A A
  • Venue
    Stuart-Liff Collection Library
  • Date Time
    21 January 2025 | 4:00 pm
  • Age Limit

Event Details

An NCPA Presentation

Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major Op. 61

This talk, the second in the series this month by Dr. Cavas Bilimoria, explores Beethoven’s only violin concerto. Unfailingly melodious and deceptively simple to perform, it was composed in 1806 and dedicated to the young virtuoso Franz Clement. Unlike the violin concertos written at the time, the large-scale work demands equally accomplished playing from all sections of the orchestra and is regarded by many as one of the finest violin concertos ever composed.


Entry free
Admission on a first-come-first-served basis.

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The NCPA is committed to preserving and promoting India's rich and vibrant artistic heritage in the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, literature and photography, as well as presenting new and innovative work by Indian and international artists from a diverse range of genres including drama, contemporary dance, orchestral concerts, opera, jazz and chamber music.