tT A A A
  • Date Time
    5 October 2018 -
  • Member Price
    Rs 500/-
  • Non Member Price
    Rs 500/-


The NCPA Jazz Collective comprises of four talented young musicians who have a spark and enthusiasm for jazz as a genre in India – the fiery Jazz/Latin Jazz pianist Pradyumna Singh Manot, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya – vocals, the Abhinav Khokhar – upright acoustic bass and Saurav Ghosh – drums. The musicians collectively aim to take the initiative to educate the Indian audience about jazz, at the same time, increase the standards of the jazz in India. The collective also aims at travelling across the country and internationally representing the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Mumbai. The NCPA is India’s, largest holistic performing arts centre and have hosted each of the talented young musicians that make this collective a whole. 


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