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Event Details

Western Classical Piano Recital

The Olga & Jules Craen Foundation Presentation

Neil Sajnani began piano at the age of six and has studied under Ernavaz Bharucha for 11 years. His first public performance was at the Budding Brigade concert by The Stop-Gaps Cultural Academy, and he went on to win the Con Brio Open Piano Competition in 2023. He was selected as the Young Musician of the Year 2024 by the Olga and Jules Craen Foundation (OJCF), under whose sponsorship he attended the International Summer Piano Academy Disentis in Switzerland. There, he received masterclasses primarily from Sergei Edelmann and also performed in three concerts. He has received guidance from notable international artistes, including Romain Descharmes, Ionah Maiatsky, Gauthier Herrmann, Mathilde Borsarello Herrmann, Jean-Michel Dayez, Marialena Fernandes, Ranko Markovic, Konstantin Scherbakov and Thomas Hecht. Furthermore, he was a winner at the King’s Peak International Music Competition and achieved high distinction on his ATCL. For OJCF’s 10th anniversary celebration at the Tata Theatre, he performed four-hands with Marialena Fernandes. Recent performances include full recitals in Bengaluru, Mysore, Pune and Goa. His programme at the NCPA will feature works by Schubert, Chopin, Brahms, Scriabin, Debussy and more.


Admission on a first-come-first-served basis. NCPA Members will get preferential seating till 6.20 pm.

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