Hindustani Play
With Love, Aap Ki Saiyaara is a play written, directed and enacted by Juhi Babbar Soni. Initially conceived by Nadira Zaheer Babbar, Saiyaara is passionate, urban and undaunted. Through the eyes of a modern Indian woman, Saiyaara dares to dream. Her sweet and spicy take on ‘men, marketing and more’ is interestingly conveyed in a conversational approach with the gallery, making the audience a part of the performance. Saiyaara promises to twinkle her way to your heart and sparkle forever.
Written & directed by Juhi Babbar Soni.
Cast: Juhi Babbar Soni, Neha Shaikh & Achint Marwah
An Ekjute Theatre Group Production
Box Office: 9th May for Members & 12th May for Public